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China aims to produce 4.6bln MT STD coal by 2025

China aims to raise its annual energy production capacity to over 4.6 billion tonnes of standard coal by 2025, in order to ensure energy safety of the country, according to official statements in a press conference held on sidelines of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 17.

“As the world’s major energy producer and consumer, China has always put energy safety as a priority for its works on energy,” said Ren Jingdong, deputy director of the National Energy Administration, at the conference.

To achieve this target, China will continue to direct coal to play a leading role in its energy mix and will also put vast efforts into exploration and development of oil and gas projects.

“China will strive to increase its annual composite energy production to 4.6 billion tonnes of standard coal by 2025,” said Ren, adding that other efforts will also be made to build up and improve the system of coal and oil reserves, as well as speed up constructions of reserve warehouses and liquefied natural gas stations, so as to ensure the flexibility of energy supply.

Chinese policymakers’ decision to activate an additional 300 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of coal mining capacity this year, and previous efforts which approved 220 Mtpa capacity in the fourth quarter of 2021, were actions to pursue the goal of energy safety.

Ren noted the country’s target to build a comprehensive clean energy supply system, comprising wind, solar, hydro and nuclear power.

He also introduced the government’s ambitious renewable power goal at the conference, saying ”the share of non-fossil energy in the country’s energy consumption mix will be shored up to around 20% by 2025, and go higher to 25% roughly by 2030.” 

And Ren emphasized the importance of having an energy monitoring system in place in case of potential energy risks at the end of the conference.